The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Time to Order Local Farm Products!
Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Hello, friends!
Manchester Locally Grown online farmers’ market is now open for ordering. The market opened at 8 a.m. this morning, and will be open until Tuesday at 10 pm. Pickup will be on Thursday from 3:00 till 4:30. We have more variety than many large Saturday markets, and our items will be in your hands on Thursday! Instead of fighting the crowds and getting up early to search for what you want at the Saturday market, check out the wonderful products our local growers have for you, from the comfort of your own computer. We appreciate your support of your friends and neighbors who have grown and produced these items.
From Dogwood Valley Greenhouse:
With somewhat lower temperatures and lots of rain, now is a great time to get a jump on your spring gardening with perennial and herb plants and ferns. Dogwood Valley Greenhouse has a great Fall Special for you. Buy 3 perennial or herb plants or ferns (mix-and-match), and get one of equal or lesser value at no charge. The free plant is your own choice from my market list, subject to available stock. Sorry, lavender and rosemary plants are not included in this offer. Most of the perennials are out of bloom, but fall planting will give them a chance to develop good strong root systems to allow for great spring bloom. Please add a message on your order including your first, second, and third choices for a free plant. We also have a few gorgeous large hanging baskets which, although not included in the special offer, will really add color to your porch or patio.
We still have lots and lots of summer vegetables on the market. This week we have zucchini, tomatoes, summer squash, red potatoes, peppers, onions, okra, lettuce, cabbage, and cucumbers. Local milk and eggs; pork and chicken cuts; and more are available here! Three types of dried herbs and eight of fresh are also available to flavor those dishes! We have lots of homemade herbal products too.
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(L to R) Just a sampling of the perennial, fern, and herb plants included in the Fall Special from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: Lambs’ Ears, Dwarf Coreopsis, Autumn Fern, Lemon Balm, and Silver-Edged Thyme.
Important Ordering and Pickup Information
Ordering will be open until Tuesday at 10 p.m., and your order will be available for pickup on Thursday between 3:00 and 4:30 at Square Books, 113 East Main Street, Manchester. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator till Friday, if it’s more convenient for you to pick it up then. If you prefer to utilize this free service, please make a note on your order or call my cell at (931) 273-9708.
Thanks so much for your support of Manchester Locally Grown Market, all of our growers, local food, and our right to eat it. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We have new farmers considering joining our market, if they can be guaranteed of large sales. Please share this e-mail with some of your friends. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our offerings this week.
Dodgeville, WI: Market Week Aug 23
The rain this past week provided much needed moisture. However, I think it may have been too late for some of the vine crops like cucumbers. We hope that the plants come back and set more blossoms and fruit in the next couple of weeks. Raspberries will be the special treat of this fall and are starting to turn red.
Bedford County: Fall and winter veg!
Bedford County Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: 865 Union St. Shelbyville, Tennessee
On Instagram: @bedfordclocallygrown
Call: 931 – 952 – 1224
The Market Is Open!
Good evening everyone!
We are excited to welcome Rocky Glade Farm back with lots of beautiful fall vegetables and honey.
Erdmann Farm has peppers and tomatoes and cucumbers still, so be sure not to miss out on the end of the season crops still producing.
Fountain Springs will be away for two weeks and will process fresh chicken in that time and we look forward for them to be back.
Casey Family Farm has DELICIOUS cream line cow’s milk!
Uptop Farm has fresh eggs.
Three quick notes:
THANK YOU to everyone who continues to help this market succeed. We are working very hard to bring some of the BEST, organic, and local farm goods from people with a genuine love for all they do and the products they provide.
Second, we are working with Parker Family Beef, from McMinnville and they will hopefully be listed by next week. Please take a moment and read the about page on .
This is your market and we are proud to be a part of this. Please help us spread the word about how easy it is to order and pick up so many weekly necessities. Best of all, it is a solid vote for small business and small agriculture. The more customers who support, more and more vendors will come to provide what is wanted and needed.
Thank you all so much!
Please check the Facebook page for more info and a call for recipes with items purchased from the market. :).
Tracey & Ashleigh
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Important Market Information
Customers have from Saturday 5pm until Tuesday at 9pm to place orders. The market will be closed Tuesday evening.
On Thursday’s from 4:45pm – 6:00pm customers can pick up their orders at 865 Union St Shelbyville, TN 37160 (opposite Piggly Wiggly). This is where customers are to pay for their orders in check or cash.
If you have any problems or any questions please do not hesitate to ask (our contact info is above)
Please, share your recipes with us on the website, on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Bedford County Locally Grown products, so we can try it too!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Ashleigh + Tracey
See the full product list here:
Market At Dothan_Eating Locally, Year Round

Market At Dothan Locally Grown
How to contact us:’
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Market News
We’ll be back next Saturday, August 29th @ 5pm for online ordering! Have a great week!
Thank You!
Carolina Foothills, SC: Market is Closed
I need to keep the market closed again this week. I have a “meeting” on-line Tuesday with my youngest son’s teacher so she can test him and I don’t know how long it will actually take.
The market will reopen next week. These “meetings” are expected I just never know the day/date until it is given.
Carolina Foothills, SC: Market is Closed
I need to keep the market closed again this week. I have a “meeting” on-line Tuesday with my youngest son’s teacher so she can test him and I don’t know how long it will actually take.
The market will reopen next week. These “meetings” are expected I just never know the day/date until it is given.
CLG: CLG Pickup TODAY 4-6pm. Bring EGGSHELLS, glass jars, egg cartons please.
Good morning,
This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.
If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.
Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.
Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table!
Thank you,
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
I AM COMPLETELY IN AWE OF THIS COMMUNITY. Yesterday, I accidentally opened the on-line market. Chalk it up to excitement. We’d just finalized the details of a new school lunch program and I couldn’t wait to share the news. Amy called a few minute later and gently said, “Kim, it’s Thursday.” I was totally embarrassed! Luckily it was an easy fix: I closed the market back up and sent you all an “oops” message.
What happened next completely blew my mind.
Despite it not being Friday yet, people read the blog. More to the point, they acted on it! In less than 24 hours, the program described below is now 80% funded! I am humbled and grateful. And I am ever-more excited for the big things yet to come to Augusta through this good food movement. Thank you!
Partnerships are an amazing thing. We at ALG continue to be awed by the synergy of it all. This time, it’s about putting a new, super healthy, super affordable twist on school lunches. We’re calling it the “Second Sunday School Lunch Making Program.”
Our GROW HARRISBURG partners at St. Luke are sponsoring 9 Harrisburg children this year to attend CH Terrell Academy. This beautiful, high-quality, educational opportunity comes with a catch: these 9 children will have to forgo their free government-sponsored school lunch program in order to attend this alternative school for the whole year. And that’s where the magic begins.
Our GROW HARRISBURG partners at Icebox Ministries are going to teach a once-a-month class to the parents of all nine children. In this class, the parents will make enough hot lunches (stored in the freezer) for their children for the whole entire month! The lunches will be hot, veggie-centric, local, seasonal, crock-pot-based, delicious … and they will cost less than 75 cents per serving. Tasha Alison at Icebox has designed a system that every busy parent will want to know about … and she’s going to start by teaching it to the parents of these 9 children.
In order to do this for the whole school year, we’re gonna need your help. Please contact if you can donate:
- excess fruits or veggies from your garden (we will accept this for the entire nine-month program)
- a working stand-alone freezer (already donated)
- 100 gallon zip lock bags (already donated)
- $30 to purchase a crockpot for the school (already donated)
- $100 to purchase an electric pressure cooker (already donated
- $135 to sponsor a full month’s worth of lunches for all 9 children (months September-February are already pledged … contact me if you can cover March, April or May!)
Be a part of the transformation. One school lunch at a time.
TUE, AUG 25 – SEVEN SOUP SHARED MEAL CELEBRATING THE MID-POINT OF OUR FVRx PROGRAM – Come celebrate the wonders of fresh fruits and vegetables at a shared, plant-based, simple, free meal at the Veggie Truck Farmers Market on Tuesday, Aug 25. Email if you can volunteer that day.
WED, AUG 26 – GEORGIA GROWN FEED MY SCHOOL FIELD DAY EXPO – Burke County hosts a model farm-to-school program that continues to evolve and expand. We at ALG are thrilled to cheer them on! During “Feed My School” week in late August, ALG will run four educational booths at their field-day-like event for hundreds of grade school students. We’ll need a few solid volunteers to help that morning. Please email if you can pitch in.
THUR, SEPT 3 – GEORGIA FOOD OASIS “CONCEPTS AND CONNECTIONS” MEETING. Are you a local food proponent? Want to join forces with others to grow this movement throughout the CSRA? Yes!? Awesome! Then you need to be at this meeting. Contact for more info.
TUE, SEPT 8 – “THAT SUGAR FILM,” MOVIE NIGHT IN HARRISBURG. Join us at the Icebox Ministries campus in Harrisburg for a free showing of this Australian documentary at 7pm. Warning: healthy snacks may be involved:)
SAT, SEPT 12 – SOUTHERN SCRATCH GRAND OPENING – Everyone’s favorite goodies-maker – Kathryn Filipiak of Southern Scratch – is opening up a uniquely fabulous breakfast place in Washington GA. Nobody comes close to this girl’s cinnamon rolls … and so much more. Come celebrate this champion of locally-grow. ingredients.
SAT, SEPT 12 – “TALK DIRT TO ME” – HEALTHY SOIL EXPO AT THE BOOK TAVERN IN AUGUSTA– In honor of the U.N.‘s International Year of Soil, we’re joining forces with Southern Native Plantings, Longwood Plantation and the Book Tavern to celebrate … yep, GOOD CLEAN DIRT! Come talk and touch earth worms, micronutrients, microorganisms, organic amendments and so much more! Write a “dirt limerick,” win a “Talk Dirt to Me Tshirt,” and get your mind spinning around new, important research coming directly out of this field (pun intended!) Getting down and dirty was never more fun. More details soon.
SUN, SEPT 13 – SOUTHERN CHEFS POTLUCK IN ATLANTA – Wanna road trip to one of the most talked-about local food events in the southeast? This one benefits our amazing partner organization: Wholesome Wave Georgia. The annual fundraiser is held at the inspirational Inn at Serenbe. It helps fund our own FVRx program, our EBT doubling programs, and dozens of other EBT doubling programs across the state of Georgia. Tickets can be purchased at their See you there!
SUN, SEPT 20 – BRIDGE BUILDING GARDEN-TO-TABLE COMMUNITY MEAL IN HARRISBURG – St Luke UMC will host a Sunday evening community meal – block party style – featuring a sampling of veggies from many of the 100 in Harrisburg raised bed gardens throughout the neighborhood. Free. Just bring some home-grown veggies to add to the mix if you’ve got em! Contact if you can help cook!
SUN, OCT 4 — FARM-TO-PARK DINNER TO BENEFIT PENDLETON KING PARK & FEATURING CHEF CHARLEEN — Save the date for what will surely be the biggest farm to table event that Augusta’s ever seen! Chef Charleen of Culinary Connections will feature local foods at this Pendleton King Park fundraiser… and ALG will serve it up! Volunteers: contact Kim Hines. Farmers: contact Chef Charleen!!